Super Party

Have Fun At A Virtual Pizza Party

Have you ever heard of the concept of a “Virtual Pizza Party”?

Remember having fun-filled weekends with your co-workers?

The existence of the pandemic changed an employee’s life from “You need to be in the office by 9 am” to “You need to login by 9 am”.

Also the extension of pandemic resulted in extension of distance working till date.

Here’s a chance where you can still have fun with your remote workers.

Do you remember those moments spent eating pizza with your co-workers?

If you are whispering “Yes” then go ahead and have a pizza party virtually. Didn’t get me?

Super Party helping individuals to host virtual pizza party

What is Virtual Pizza Party?

Interesting right..!
With this concept of Virtual Pizza Party, remote workers can get a chance to communicate and interact with their team and other colleagues. We all know that great interaction between the team-members results in an efficient and beneficial output.

Though the employees in the organisation are working remotely, they can step ahead and implement this concept of Virtual Pizza Party. So that the organisation will have no regrets for not celebrating the efforts of the workers.

Do you know apart from these, Virtual Pizza Parties are completely a fun packed concept with a lot of fun filled activities too?

If your answer is, “Is it..?” I would like to say “Yes it is..!” Virtual pizza parties also contain many fun activities and the main point you need to remember is that the activities are completely pizza theme based. If you ask me “Can you list a few pizza theme based activities?” Yes, sure I do.

Pizza Remote Lunch: The title itself explains the activity that the workers will arrange their zoom call as usual and have lunch along with a pizza so that they can grab a chance of communicating with their colleagues since they are working distance.

Never Have I Ever: Pizza Edition: “Never Have I Ever”, is the most exciting activity for many. This game asks players to confess to pizza-related questions and have a joyful mess-up.

Pizza and a Movie: Yes exactly, team mates will plan to watch a movie through the same zoom conference along with their theme which is nothing but a pizza.
This online hangout allows attendees to have few slices of pizza to enjoy while watching a movie with the group. 

Pizza Fridays: Those pairs or small groups should schedule a Zoom meeting the following Friday and meet up to eat pizza and talk together. For best results, choose a recurring hour to host the events so that employees can keep that time free in advance.

This activity can mostly be planned by a few team members, so that every Friday they can plan a pizza party accordingly and so can discuss their projects and also can have weekends in parallel.Also results in starting their week with different enthusiasm.

Say Cheese: Party guests pose with their pizza while the host takes a snapshot. These poses can help remote teammates show each other their silly sides and can help the group relive the fun of the party afterward. Once the event ends, you can post the picture in Slack, upload the photo to a team album, or send the image in a recap email.

Zoom Backgrounds: Yes, you are right!

We all know that we have few default themes in zoom, but here we need to search for a pizza based theme and that particular theme must be as your background till the end of the party.

Organise a virtual pizza party with Super party

Step 1: Fix a date and time with the whole team.

Step 2: Order your pizza.

Step 3: Connect through video conferencing along with the ordered pizza.

Step 4: Plan fun activities so that you don’t regret the time you spent at the party.

NOTE: Make sure that every worker in the organisation is involved.

What are you waiting for?

Think out of the box and create a few fun-filled moments with your colleagues.

This is the chance where workers of an organisation can work with different zeal in them, which definitely results in escalating their interest to work.

More systematic and structured they work, the more results in development of the organisation.

Super party can help you organize a memorable virtual pizza party 🎉 for your employees.